Orion Advisor Solutions moves to let RIAs eat real-time 'cake' rather than API 'recipes' with help from Amazon's AWS and a determined Carson Group
The Omaha, Neb., software and investments firm is already doing a pilot with Ron Carson's $20-billion RIA and will make the data leapfrog across its clientele

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A week after he became chairman of Eric Clarke's board, Charles Goldman is heading the search to replace Clarke as Orion CEO-- at Eric's direction
Eric Clarke founded Orion in 1999 and built it to a $3.6 trillion AUA juggernaut, but he believes both he and the company are ready for a big change
May 22, 2023 at 5:13 PM
Noreen Beaman steps down as president of Orion Advisor Solutions after Brinker migrates to Orion software and enterprise deals 'prove out'
The former Brinker CEO oversaw an 18-month transition of her then $26-billion TAMP and will remain as vice chair of the company after 'mutual' decision on role changes.
February 10, 2022 at 2:22 AM
Brad Shepard unexpectedly resigns from Orion Advisor Services after 10 months, and his chief strategy officer position will remain vacant, the company says
The Nashville, Tenn. executive came aboard to create a 'go-to-marketing strategy' for Brinker, HiddenLevers and legacy units but gave his notice this week.
January 7, 2022 at 11:40 PM
Reed Colley is back as Orion's president with the immense task of taking its legacy RIA technology and making it into a dream experience -- with help from data stores and AI
Colley sold Black Diamond to Advent in 2011 and rose to the top, but the challenge is greater this time because he doesn't have the same software tabula rasa, sources say.
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