Schwab launches biggest RIA-targeted price war in years -- but TD and Pershing say they won't play along
In what may be a prelude to commission-free RIA custody era, Schwab eliminates equity and ETF commissions for all new clients for a year; Fidelity says it is still cheaper

Teresa Vollenweider
What is meant by “free merchandise?”

Related Moves
Mark Tibergien sets up Ben Harrison to challenge Schwabitrade with a $150 million cut to Pershing's minimum and millions more to develop Veo-busting technology
The CEO suite hand-off in Jersey City pulls a trigger on a plan to bypass Fidelity's and eventually Schwab's custody units by luring disaffected RIAs.
March 11, 2020 at 7:58 AM
The upper RIA echelon mass-exit is now at 25 execs and counting -- for 25 'reasons' -- but it's hardly a coincidence, analysts say
Burnout and EBITDA weigh on CEO-types as never-ending exits claim Ron Carson, Aaron Klein, Bernie Clark, Rudy Adolf, Bill Crager and Tim Buckley.
June 7, 2024 at 11:17 PM
Walt Bettinger discloses expiration of unknown 'pact' to explain to Schwab investors why Bernie Clark, Peter Crawford and Joe Martinetto all chose to exit at once
The 'sort of informal' deal was struck in 2019, but never revealed to shareholders during the merger transition, until the departures were announced -- in one press release -- this month.
May 25, 2024 at 2:45 AM
Another A-list RIA Schwabbie lands on his feet -- this time at DeVoe & Co. -- after TD Ameritrade merger displacement of 2,000-plus
Tony Parkin takes the reins as president of the San Francisco M&A shop and reunites with ex-Schwab boss who left 14 years ago
May 10, 2024 at 1:29 AM
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LPL Financial
RIA-Friendly Broker-Dealer, RIA Welcoming Breakaways, Advisory Firm
Top Executive: Dan Arnold
TD Ameritrade
Asset Custodian
Top Executive: Tom Nally
Nexus Strategy
Consulting Firm
Top Executive: Timothy D. Welsh