After famous Twitter feud, Jon Stein and Michael Kitces make up and join forces
As XY Planning Network hits 61 members, its co-founder bets that Betterment Institutional is the best platform for his mostly younger RIAs

Bill Winterberg
Let’s not forget about the Kitces Diet Coke compulsion to follow the three cups of coffee!

Brooke, great reporting as always! It is quite funny how institutional all of the robo-advisor 1.0s have become. One minute they are going to put thousands out of work, calling them pigs, and trying disrupting the industry, next minute they become part of the industry,=. Nothing really wrong with it, just funny how that works in the startup space as companies raise more capital :)
Hedgeable is rolling out a robo-advisor 2.0 partner solution as well. It is like Betterment’s option but with tactical investing strategies, hedging, downside protection, and access to alternatives.

Stephen Winks
Wouldn’t it be great if “robo-advisors” were to actually get into advice in a serious way. The need for improvement is immense as there presently is no reference point to high level expert, authenticated, individualized advice. There are big holes in what robo advice does not do.The replication of the broker approach to advice which simply sells advice as a product, can cut as much as 90% of the cost out of a very low threshold of advice, but does not approach professional counsel. That will come with time and experience many years from now..
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