TD Ameritrade wins a $2.5-billion RIA custody client on the strength of its delivery of B-to-B capabilities using Orion, Veo and API
FTJ FundChoice took its assets from a bank in the name of efficiencies aimed at big growth

Elmer Rich III
Custody is where it’s at. Investments are commodities and poorly performing, service is hard to differentiate, personal relationships are chancy or set in stone, tech is pretty much either a commodity or easily matched — that leaves custody, which can still be a differentiation.
Whether it’s Big Box custodians or boutiques, an RIA firm can offer a truly custom configuration built around client’s immediate needs — today. We call it bespoke or custom custodial services.
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TD Ameritrade
Asset Custodian
Top Executive: Tom Nally
FTJ FundChoice, LLC
Top Executive: Dean Cook
Mercer Consumer