RIABiz has its second birthday and reaches new milestones
The strategy remains the same - growth by good articles

Elmer Rich III
Congrats and you are doing a great job. One of the best jobs we see in our market. Not easy we know. Keep up the good work.
PS — How big is that screen on your laptop!?

Jeff Spears
Congratulations. You provide a great start to my day with timely information and understanding that I don’t find from other publications.
Keep up the good work
Thank you

Elmer Rich III
Let us suggest you start a Linked In group. Of course, that’s even more work!

Wendy J. Cook
For your excellent business model alone, you are to be commended. Not to mention the useful results it engenders. Happy birthday to you, and many more.

Nevin Freeman
Elmer, despite the appearance it’s actually a normal sized screen. Must be the angle :)

Frederick Van Den Abbeel
Congratulations RIABiz! We’re glad your located here in the San Francisco Bay Area! :-)

Paul Darrell Damon
Keep up the excellent work, RIABiz. A great resource for the industry and no surprise readership is growing. Here’s to staying busy!

Sydney LeBlanc
Brooke, couldn’t start my day without it… Best in the industry! Happy Anniversary to you and the team.

Brian Hamburger
RIABiz is my first read over lunch each day and is often more appetizing. It has been a pleasure for MarketCounsel to lend support to your efforts and be a small part of yet another entrepreneurial success related to independent RIAs. we wish you much continued success and hope to remain a trusted resource for RIABiz in the many years to come.

Brooke Southall
There were two things I didn’t anticipate in starting RIABiz: I couldn’t imagine how truly difficult it would be. Running a business is fertile ground for messing up — and there are so many ways to do it.
Yet I also had no idea how much countervailing support there would be from fellow entrepreneurs. Most of the time, you come out ahead in that equation.
Thank you everybody for the birthday well wishes both posted here and in my email box but really thank you, too, for just making RIABiz fun and encouraging on any given Thursday in the doldrums of summer or winter.
One thing I forgot to mention in the article is that our new office, ironically, was vacant because an LPL advisor who moved to another office to serve as the succession plan to another advisor. And he’s thinking of converting his model to an RIA.
It’s a pretty nice office, albeit small and windowless, and we hope you visit us in Mill Valley

Marie Swift
Happy 2nd Anniversary, RIABiz. Thanks for your comments about me in this article. I’ll be at FPA Experience in San Diego in September, Tiburon CEO Summit in October, the NAPFA Practice Management Conference in October, and Schwab Impact in November. Will try to provide some worthwhile content from the road and would be wonderful to see you, Brooke, and any of your team members! ~ Marie Swift

Elmer Rich III
We come from 4 generation of entrepreneurs and having your own business is basically hell. It demands everything from you, your family, etc — and then demands more. It takes, all your time, energy, money, relationships, smarts, health, etc. and then some.
Effectively all new businesses fail. One of the reasons we celebrate and make-up heroic stories about the few outliers that don’t.
The only words of encouragement we can offer is that it’ll get worse and sometimes deeply difficult. Not sugar-coating it and keeping a tough-minded reality-basis is all that we’ve seen that has a chance of working.
End of pep talk.

Mike Byrnes
RIABiz team, a belated “congrats” on hitting your two-year mark. I am proud to have been mentioned as a key contributor.
Keep up the great work. Thanks! — Mike Byrnes, President of Byrnes Consulting, LLC
RIA Publication
Top Executive: Brooke Southall