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Articles tagged "Jason Roberts"


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Mike Alfred: Fidelity's gone from being generous to being assured of being generous.
August 14, 2014 at 5:01 PM

Thomas Clark: There's no liability for Fidelity, but it just doesn't look good for them.

Fidelity Investments wins huge in the 'biggest 401(k) case in decades' -- but bearing battle scars

Boston 401(k) giant is able to reverse prior judgement related to fees in landmark Tussey v. ABB

March 20, 2014 at 7:07 AM

Phyllis Borzi: We're troubled by this and employers are having a hard time finding the documents they're looking for.

Phyllis Borzi tightens the noose on 401(k) providers that flout DOL disclosure, not without critics

The idea is to have a de facto big red arrow pointing to key disclosures on revenue sharing but it'll add to the verbiage surplus

March 11, 2014 at 9:04 PM

Louis Harvey: We are seeing naked fear.

Why the 'naked fear' from a Yale law professor's letters to 401(k) plan sponsors is still present

The threatening, finger-pointing nature of the epistles drew the blood, the lack of a remedy to the attack from New Haven keeps the wound from healing

August 1, 2013 at 5:49 PM

Fred Reish: The object isn’t to punish people who really wanted to do the right thing.

Erring 401(k) plan advisors seek do-overs from DOL to ward off potentially crippling fines

A proposal from leading ERISA attorneys would let RIAs say mea culpa on misinterpretations and technical fouls in the wake of new fee disclosure rules

October 22, 2012 at 3:02 AM

Steve Sansone: Advisors can differentiate themselves to decision makers and consequently be in a great position to take over a 401(k) plan.

How IRS rule changes may bring an obscure retirement plan into prominence

The number of cash balance plans, a boon to high-earners, are growing 20% annually versus three percent for 401(k) plans

October 16, 2012 at 3:53 AM

Ray Lucia: I removed the slides that are in question from my seminar presentation.

With SEC coming down hard, TV and radio star RIA principal in San Diego makes his case to listeners

The commission says Ray Lucia back-testing is questionable but some high-profile defenders take his side

September 19, 2012 at 4:28 AM

Phil Chiricotti: The DOL went off the reservation...They backed off and damaged their credibility.

What to make of DOL's backtrack after John Kerry, Fidelity Investments and the rest of the riled 401(k) industry cried foul

The policy reversal on on self-directed accounts is a win for white-collar workers but the agency's mandating-by-bulletin was equally troubling to some observers

August 1, 2012 at 6:10 AM

Lou Harvey: The rules on the participant side are a joke.

After years of DOL bluster, new 401(k) rules appear to make RIAs' low expenses look higher than those of brokers

It's the same old problem of mutual fund-paid fees arriving by tunnel and therefore getting a pass in disclosures; DOL no-comments the issue

June 18, 2012 at 3:28 AM

Jason Roberts: I’m seeing a lot  of unintended consequences…

Fidelity tries out new DOL-influenced 401(k) fee disclosures on clients -- and gets plenty of response

The retirement king is putting it out there ahead of most competitors, but there is some resentment that Fidelity failed to warn advisors

June 12, 2012 at 3:23 PM

Rick Meigs: These plans are knowledgeable, well-informed and have sufficient leverage to compel change.

What led to Vanguard allowing its 401(k) plan sponsors to shop around for non-Vanguard target-date funds

Despite the new choices available to plan sponsors, Vanguard believes clients won't stray -- but industry observers are not so sure

June 5, 2012 at 5:29 AM

Jason Roberts: The broker wants to make sure the advisor isn't taking the clients to lunch.

Why brokers from Nationwide, LPL, Merrill Lynch and others are giving RIAs a cut of their 401(k) action

RIAs and brokers alike are wary of the fox-in-hen-house effect but DOL is creating strange bedfellows

May 29, 2012 at 3:46 PM


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