Articles tagged "Black Diamond"
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After Orion, Fidelity and Envestnet paid big for planning software, Morningstar finesses a DIY planning hack for Workstation; Black Diamond is also trying finesse to counter the continuing planning software grab
The portfolio management giants spent a combined $800 million; Now Morningstar has Goal Bridge and SS&C assures it is keeping even in planning race
September 20, 2019 at 4:29 PM
Pete Giza and Damon Deru go for Holy Grail of portfolio rebalancing with software that shuffles stocks, bonds... and asset classes; Believe it?
The RedBlack and TradeWarrior executives see old systems as 'archaic' yet know that the Black Diamonds, Morningstars, Orions and Tamaracs see rebalancing as a loss leader
June 11, 2019 at 9:49 PM
Oisin's Bits: Sallie Krawcheck defends latte-spending after high-net-worth pivot • Black Diamond surges past $1 trillion • Fieldpoint loses $400 million book of business to HighTower RIA sparking war of words
Sallie Krawcheck rails; the Jacksonville portfolio management firm dwarfs Advent; and a HighTower RIA airlifts $400 billion from Fieldpoint, sparking strong words
May 20, 2019 at 4:32 PM
Schwab PortfolioCenter sale to Envestnet signals open season on 2,300 RIAs in the deal; Orion bags six; 'Why didn't Tamarac call me?' some ask
Whether you are Bridge, BlackDiamond, FinFolio or Morningstar, you are not sitting out this once-in-a-generation orphaning by a legacy giant of portfolio accounting software
March 7, 2019 at 1:59 AM
As Salentica settles into life as SS&C's fair-haired CRM, downsides of being a sheltered software child are also apparent, critics say
Black Diamond and Advent are still in reach but the firm's appeal to smaller fry in need of low pricing is more limited
May 15, 2018 at 5:26 PM
Matt Abar hopes three's a charm with FinFolio cloud launch and robo play
FinFolio finally goes 2.0 and gets $20-billion assets bump, but there's a lot of ground to make up
April 5, 2018 at 12:08 AM
Totum's bid to beat Riskalyze, including its own 1 to 99 risk number, gets reward -- acceptance by Black Diamond and CircleBlack
CEO Larry Shumbres says financial advice industry is in for a shock, as thousands-strong uptick in users shows Totum Risk is the real deal
March 30, 2018 at 8:39 PM
How much of SS&C's $5.4-billion buy of DST Systems trickles down to Black Diamond RIAs? Maybe a good bit
The mother lode of DST data is expected to salve RIA data aggregation distress as the mega-vendor of data to Advent Custodial Data comes in-house
January 17, 2018 at 6:54 PM
SS&C solves its Axys problem -- for now -- by acquiring Modestspark
The owner of Advent and Black Diamond buys tiny two-person Redmond, Wash. firm that also solves Schwab's PortfolioCenter problem with digital add-on
November 2, 2017 at 11:00 PM
Black Diamond loses serial white knight Dave Welling to a $10-billion RIA that uses Orion
The RIA performance reporting software giant in Jacksonville grew like crazy under its leader though two mergers but David Barton made an irresistible offer
August 3, 2017 at 4:43 PM
An e-marriage of Schwab and Fidelity, a reflective Ron Carson and good jargon-bashing made T3 take off like that helicopter outside
Addepar and FolioDynamix team up, Fidelity defends its robo-AMP and Carson tells why the Carson Wealth-LPL partnership failed -- and what blame he takes
February 21, 2017 at 6:52 PM
Pete Hess steps down at Advent Software just as Axys gets whodathunkit fix
Dave Welling will co-head Advent with Robert Roley as Black Diamond reporting is introduced to to Axys users
May 25, 2016 at 2:49 PM
Orion's parent NorthStar tops 700 employees, finishes second Omaha campus and taps a super-exec from central casting to run it all
With Eric and Todd Clarke handling day-to-day challenges at Orion and CLS, NorthStar finds an un-Clarke in Jon Baum, former CEO and chairman of The Dreyfus Corp.
March 24, 2016 at 7:02 PM
In first major act as Black Diamond/Advent owner, SS&C Technologies hires operation chief of $14-billion RIA to fill new role
Chris Whiting left Moneta Group in September after big changes at that RIA to join the software company that did his firm's performance reporting
December 21, 2015 at 9:11 PM
SS&C's first big act as Advent Software's new owner is to put RIAs using Axys and APX under Black Diamond
Pete Hess will be the asset management czar and David Welling will rule all things RIA in the new framework