An e-marriage of Schwab and Fidelity, a reflective Ron Carson and good jargon-bashing made T3 take off like that helicopter outside
Addepar and FolioDynamix team up, Fidelity defends its robo-AMP and Carson tells why the Carson Wealth-LPL partnership failed -- and what blame he takes



brooke southall
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Addepar hires Advent genius then launches 'Advent Converter' to court the RIAs still on Axys and APX ; PortfolioCenter 'easy button' comes next
The tactic by the Mountain View, Calif. firm and Advent co-founder and code avatar Steve Strand comes a decade after Orion, Black Diamond and Tamarac began feasting on the legacy corpses, but Addepar insists meat remains on the bone.
March 3, 2020 at 5:05 PM
The upper RIA echelon mass-exit is now at 25 execs and counting -- for 25 'reasons' -- but it's hardly a coincidence, analysts say
Burnout and EBITDA weigh on CEO-types as never-ending exits claim Ron Carson, Aaron Klein, Bernie Clark, Rudy Adolf, Bill Crager and Tim Buckley.
June 7, 2024 at 11:17 PM
Burt White is busy re-staffing Carson Wealth with trusted non-Carson executives but the new CEO is caught in classic Catch-22 as villain and white knight in alleged sex assault suit
The case raises questions about the perils of how RIAs deal with sexually charged allegations in the financial services workplace.
April 26, 2024 at 2:50 AM
Ron Carson is out as Carson Wealth CEO three years after Bain buys a big stake and subdued asset growth persists; Ron Carson pivots life toward leading a 'movement'
The majority owner of the $35-billion RIA remains chairman but will shift focus to 'humanitarian' concerns
April 10, 2024 at 2:54 AM
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