Plan sponsor eyes are lighting up as T. Rowe Price launches set-it-but-don't-forget-it target-date funds -- a 'major improvement,' Cerulli analyst says, over myopic retirement date focus
The Baltimore asset manager's new product tracks its index, but factors some investments in or out, based on wider portfolio holdings and risk

Brian Murphy

Ron Surz
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Plague of failed hires at strapped RIA firms 'come back to bite them,' making the process of closing bandwidth deficits falter, two new studies show
Turnover rates hover near 50%, Cerulli and Ensemble report, and may be worsening as hires in market of talent scarcity has inevitable backlash.
February 28, 2024 at 3:36 AM
The classic RIA era is sputtering and firms must 'decentralize,' hiring non-advisors to specialize, new Cerulli report shows, or RIAs will 'limp along,' a second consultant says
RIA principals have killed Wall Street with semi-solo shops -- only 35% have 'specialized staff' -- but the comfort zone must evolve for growth
January 13, 2024 at 2:24 AM
Cerulli Associates
Consulting Firm
Top Executive: Kurt Cerulli