Edelman Financial Engines faces discrimination lawsuit despite fast rise of ex-employee's career and pay; she points to 'hostility' and 'retaliation' after asking about her pay
The Santa Clara, Calif. RIA managing $241 billion-plus might have avoided the suit, experts say, with greater openness about pay criteria
Author Lisa Shidler July 18, 2023 at 3:39 AM
Brooke Southall and Keith Girard contributed to the editing of this article.

J. L. Livermore
July 29, 2023 — 1:24 AM
Dear Ms Shidler:
I believe more zeros need to be added to that $75K claim in order for Ms. Woods to survive for the long run. I expect an unspoken "you'll never work in this town again" factor will prevail. Going public with the case puts potential employers in fear of legal action if they make a mistake. Like a whistle blower case, it sounds great to use the press to publicize but the dark side includes exclusion, harassment, etc. The court of public opinion is very powerful if it reaches the the right public.