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Aaron Klein fuels up with a 'jarring' new moniker, Nitrogen, and explains in a new Q&A: He knows his lane and won't let sentimentality slow his quest for unicorn status

The Nitrogen CEO and master showman wants RIAs to know they can grow like hothouse tomatoes, that TAMPs won't have to fear his fearless advance and that local signmakers have a place on his rising tide

Author Oisin Breen May 9, 2023 at 8:37 PM
no description available
Aaron Klein: We're not going to ask you for a piece of your basis points.'
Brooke Southall and Keith Girard contributed to the editing of this article.


JL Livermore

JL Livermore

May 9, 2023 — 10:42 PM
I wonder how deep one must dive into the depths of debt and then struggle to return to topside reaching for unicorn status before one suffers the financial equivalent of nitrogen narcosis. The reach for that brass ring has proven very costly. JL
Steve Laskey

Steve Laskey

May 10, 2023 — 5:31 PM
Private companies don't disclose headcount? Sure, whatever. I'd assume their headcount has stayed flat or gotten smaller over the last year then.
Peter Giza

Peter Giza

May 10, 2023 — 7:01 PM
A little surprised given the Riskalyze brand is so well known. The cost and impact of rebranding isn't just dollars, it's building recognition again which impacts sales and ARR. Maybe that's the goal. Building recognition with a new audience. Pete
Brian Murphy

Brian Murphy

May 12, 2023 — 6:31 PM
So it would seem that the net is getting cast wider at this point, and the direction is in client relationship management. That's gonna be a tough one, Aaron - good luck. I think they'd be better served going in the opposite direction - namely serving client that have already been onboarded, more holistically than has been done to date. But hey, what do I know?
JL Livermore

JL Livermore

May 12, 2023 — 6:55 PM
Contrary to Mr Klein's statement, nitrogen is not a catalyst. "Nitrogen is like that – it’s a catalyst, it’s a force multiplier, it’s an essential element for growth,” Nitrogen is an inert gas used to isolate objects undergoing various industrial operations to prevent oxidizing such as fusion, plasma cutting, welding, etc. It makes one wonder if the name change will have an inert effect on brand recognition. JLL

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