Scott MacKillop offers a view on industry awards contrary to Bob Veres, who took the Luminaries, Wealthies and others to task for editoral/sales conflicts
'We see them as merit based. If we win an award or receive recognition as a finalist, we feel that it means something.'
Author Guest Columnist Scott MacKillop October 15, 2022 at 12:38 AM

Eric Boatwright
October 15, 2022 — 12:56 AM
I respect both Bob and Scott. Each have good points. My 3 cents is too many investors rely on awards, when choosing advisors/advisers, many of which are fake.

Knut Rostad
October 15, 2022 — 1:04 PM
Great point concisely said, Eric. I thank RIA Biz for having this "point / counter point" discussion with two real stars in their fields. Such discussions are too rare today as legal ambiguity, polarized talking points or sales pitches dominate.
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After a 2018 cash scare, Scott MacKillop got a $1.5 million lifeline and -- boom -- RIAs rewarded his flat-fee TAMP with 1,000% AUM growth in 35 months
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