The 2021 RIA event comeback collapses as FPA, 'Invest In Others' and T3 cancel in-person events, but WealthStack, Riskalyze and SALT won't be deterred
Demand and attendance are mostly high; hosts cite advisors with under-12 children as mostly the reason for balking but say sponsors never flinched.

Jeff Spears
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FPA keeps adding coaches to its pro-bono roster but quid pro quo makes the medicine go down as mom-and-pop consultants help mom-and-pop advisors
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Six months after 'Nitrogen' reboot, Aaron Klein pulls rip cord on CEO job but will stay on board to jumpstart quest for $1-billion valuation under hand-picked replacement
The Nitrogen CEO is still the largest 'individual' shareholder and promises not to start a new company but he's already launched a side-hustle consultancy
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Orion names 'left-brained' Natalie Wolfsen as CEO to replace Eric Clarke, and AssetMark, which synchronized its announcement, hires Michael Kim as her replacement
Orion Chairman Charles Goldman again lures his protege to self-replace, while Michael Kim was 'integral to AssetMark’s record financial performance over the past several years'
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After Riskalyze raised a pile of cash, it went shopping for a chief technology officer and found him at Apex Clearing
The Auburn, Calif., risk software maker is undergoing a shift to enterprises and nabs Josh Gray from the Dallas firm.
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Financial Planning Association
Top Executive: Lauren S. Schadle, CAE, Executive Director and CEO
Technology Tools for Today
Consulting Firm
Top Executive: Joel Bruckenstein
Tech: Other
Top Executive: Aaron Klein