American Express slides back into the financial planning game 16 years after it sold off Ameriprise; expect success, experts say
AmEx is doing a U-turn to get back into financial planning now that competitors VISA and Mastercard are expressing an interest in the business.
Author Lisa Shidler August 2, 2021 at 2:52 AM

Michael Ross
August 2, 2021 — 8:10 PM
It would be hard to call what they were doing 16 years ago Financial Planning. They were creating boiler plate that recommended insurance and investment products that they sold.

Brian Murphy
August 3, 2021 — 4:54 AM
There is a lot of opportunity coming together in this area. I'm of the belief that full automation (no/limited humans) is the cleanest way to deliver - and that' the path we're taking. Layer in some positive behavior re-inforcement and it will be interesting to watch the industry thrive outside the traditional players.
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