How exactly five ex-Barclays advisors and one analyst across three time zones combined to make a $3 billion RIA
A 38-year-old researcher played point man in the offensive that formed Summit Trail Advisors with offices in New York, Chicago and San Francisco

Jeff Spears
An impressive story that reminds me of the successful strategy of independent firm Argos Wealth Advisors.
A huge advantage that most independent wealth management firms do not take advantage of is their ability to work with early life cycle money managers who have a better chance of providing alpha..

Summit Trail talks a lot about research and offering other investments that weren’t available to them in the past. Where are they getting their research…are they using a product to gain access to this data?

brooke southall
Unless I’m mistaken they are using Callan Research. I think that is the Dynasty standard.

I found out. They’re using Smart Vision by evestment. I believe most large firms use evestment.

camelia waxman
Useful writing . I was enlightened by the facts , Does someone know if my assistant could locate a blank Form 1 copy to complete ?
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