Articles tagged "NaviPlan"
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The real reasons Northwestern Mutual paid a reported $250 million for LearnVest
With $2.7 billion in cash to burn after the Russell Investments spin-off, the Milwaukee-based company was simply an old-line insurer with desktop software in search of a planning pedigree
April 1, 2015 at 8:32 PM
Long a tech innard for Schwab, LPL and TD, Advisor Software is looking to push its own brand with new product
Its new software, goalgamiPro, is able to make sense of multiple housebold balance sheets and come out with a plan
October 11, 2011 at 4:53 AM
Review: EISI is producing a simpler NaviPlan in an effort to keep its towering market share
The 21-year-old company, which has swung from complex to simple and back, now aims to be both at once