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Articles tagged "BlackRock"


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Laura Levesque says OCIOs sell fiduciary services yet still build portfolios using proprietary products.
July 26, 2022 at 2:02 AM

Urska Velikonja: We expect for these large asset managers to consider abortion in the same way they consider other social-policy issues.

Shorts: ESG forces Vanguard, BlackRock, SSGA to choose on abortion • Schwab uses money and brand to correct white-male CFP supermajority • S&P 1500 pensions overfunded despite underwhelming 2022 returns • Vanguard closes gap on BlackRock as top institutional manager • Musk puts Orion on Twitter map

Culture war envelops ESG. 'Big-three' face crisis on abortion rights • The population is 50.8% women, 13.4% Black, 18% Latinx, but 76.6% of financial planners are white men. • Schwab funds CFP effort to rebalance • S&P 1500 pension plans are running a $55 billion surplus • Vanguard nears BlackRock institutional asset sum • Daniel Crosby lures behavioral finance interest, via Diet Coke.

June 11, 2022 at 1:05 AM

Larry Fink: I don't want to be the environmental police.

BlackRock to curb ESG 'social justice' proposals with its voting power this proxy season and embrace big oil, claiming Ukraine war, Russian embargo demand climate goals reset

The New York City manager of $9.6 trillion races to redefine -- and resuscitate -- reeling 'ESG' after the Ukraine war exposed perils of charging a premium fee to contain free market forces.

June 1, 2022 at 3:22 AM

Larry Fink: It's just a number.

Five RIA Doubletakes: BlackRock AUM tops $10 trillion as active funds make comeback • Schwab has killer quarter and Wall Street sells its shares • DFA is now the largest active ETF manager • SEC flummoxes RIAs with "inaccurate" guidance • Fidelity pulls in $146 billion in workplace assets

After record AUM high, BlackRock chairman and CEO Larry Fink brushes off a milestone • SchwabSchwab hits records; Wall Street wants more • Mutual fund giant's ETF conversion yields bragging rights • Regulation Best Interest headaches unnecessary, despite SEC brouhaha, lawyers say • Workplace scheme wins big for Fidelity.

January 21, 2022 at 3:16 AM

Mark McCombe: [We're] using our aggregation power to face off against the insurance company.

BlackRock's no longer secretive strategy to gain ground on Vanguard and Fidelity in $10.3 trillion DC market will now be tested on 120,000 employees at five US companies where it might work -- or not

BlackRock has about $1 trillion of defined contribution assets while Fidelity and Vanguard both administer multiple trillions, so the New York giant is dangling defined benefits as a way to win the defined contributions game.

October 29, 2021 at 11:54 PM

Aron Szapiro: Undoing this rule is key to mainstreaming ESG.

Big effect of DOL's proposed undoing of Trump-era 401(k) ESG investing chill is to permit ESGs TDFs as default option where BlackRock and Natixis have products

The Labor Dept. stops short of giving fiduciaries environmental, social and governance factor carte blanche but recognizes non-pecuniary factors are legit considerations.

October 14, 2021 at 1:08 AM

Sara Devereux: When yields are low and you’re looking to enhance returns, it’s a good time to consider active management.

Vanguard Group shows up as 'alpha' disciple with two new fixed-income fund launches as it surpasses PIMCO's $2 trillion with ex-Goldman Sachs partner now calling the shots

The $8 trillion Malvern, Pa. manager owns beta investing, but RIAs are demanding higher income -- hence market timing and cherry picking -- from their fixed-income allocation.

August 10, 2021 at 11:46 PM

John Rekenthaler: I am concerned about the amount of power the [biggest fund managers] wield, even if they wield that power well.

Suddenly Vanguard, BlackRock, State Street not only have the assets but the power of ESG mandates, which make them a growing threat to shareholder democracy, critics say

A handful of super-charged fund managers control $34 trillion of assets and most of the ESG inflows, giving them 'carte blanche' to shape corporate policies.

July 28, 2021 at 10:35 PM

Matthew Belnap: I would never want to call advisors 'lazy' but I do think there’s a strong element of inertia here, and wanting to keep doing things the way they’ve always done it.

RIAs are just not that into ESG investing -- at their peril, a new study says. That makes a leap: This is the one case where the customers -- both RIAs and their clients -- are wrong.

Cerulli is the latest to question RIAs for 'not fully understanding' ESG as an emerging megatrend, which could lead to a potential disconnect with Next Gen investors.

May 18, 2021 at 1:12 AM

Liz Michaels will co-lead Aperio after her firm becomes a BlackRock subsidiary.

Despite tepid net flows in 2020, Aperio finds its white knight; BlackRock makes a deal to compete with buyers of Parametric, Motif and Folio

The Sausalito, Calif., direct indexing firm's owner watched as competitors got snapped up by Morgan Stanley, Schwab and Goldman Sachs but ultimately scored a $1-billion offer from the giant's petty cash.

November 26, 2020 at 1:42 AM

Larry Fink: Our job is to make [RIAs] better and we are not a threat to go direct to their clients.

Chiding [but not naming] Vanguard Group, Larry Fink answers whether BlackRock will compete directly with RIAs: 'We are not a threat'

The BlackRock CEO reverse spun the success of big rivals in retail advice : 'We don't go to the customer like some other asset managers do'.

September 19, 2020 at 4:00 AM

Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella's 2018 pledge to 'reimagine retirement planning' sparked hopes of transcending incumbent systems and products.

The BlackRock-Microsoft 'reimagining' of the 401(k) market, arrives looking more like a remix of existing third-party products

The New York-Seattle cross-breeding combines annuities and BlackRock target-date funds but the superpowers expended little imagination, RIA annuity executives say.

July 27, 2020 at 9:43 PM

Larry Fink: We’re ... in short, making Aladdin the language of portfolio construction.

With Brinker Capital its first big proof of concept, BlackRock moves Aladdin onto Microsoft's cloud to automate portfolios at the RIA-client level to surpass what it always did at the fund level

The Berwyn, Pa.-based $21-billion TAMP contracts for Aladdin portfolio construction help after BlackRock chooses Azure to maximize Aladdin to become a 'language'

May 11, 2020 at 10:47 PM

Rob Foregger: Moving beyond the target date fund ... that’s the vision ... they're now antiquated.

New class of robos lay siege to 'antiquated' target-date-funds (TDF) market; even defender of the 401(k) citadel, Vanguard, sees handwriting on the wall

Fidelity, Ascensus, and Morningstar are all making 401(k) moves that could see automated advice replace the Vanguard-dominated TDF market but maybe Vanguard just woke up in time to cannibalize the market itself.

October 8, 2019 at 3:02 AM

Ben Cushing: [Larry] Fink likes to portray himself and his company as being a leader on [environmental issues] ... [but] you have to ask what actions the company is taking to actually back those words.

Oisin's Bits: Sierra Club slams Larry Fink's 'lip-service' to green future • Pre- VC raise SmartRIA is winning an RIA a day. Brian Hamburger counters: 'What happens when the tide goes out?' • Eric Clarke pairs up with Raj Udeshi's HiddenLevers

The un-wowed greens question BlackRock's white hat act ; SmartRIA doubles in size on flood tide; Orion gets business intelligence for RIAs from the guy in spat with Envestnet

June 5, 2019 at 8:59 PM


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