Articles tagged "Ted Eliopoulos"
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The exit of CalPERS' turnaround CEO Anne Stausboll raises the question of whether the pension Goliath's changes are too little, too late and mostly superficial
Stausboll made a big showing of cutting hedge funds and other active managers but her last big act was to pay up for a New York office tower, funded by the sale of a diversified real estate portfolio
April 18, 2016 at 8:12 PM
CalPERS's hatchet man, Ted Eliopoulos, goes on a manager firing spree, shaving hundreds of millions in management fees -- but is it enough?
For its most recent fiscal year, the pension giant paid $1.6 billion in fees, with close to 90% of that money going to the real estate, private equity, and egregiously pricey hedge fund managers