Articles tagged "Scott Miller"
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LPL Financial tells its faithful in San Diego that a fuller-service, more dependent model will get corporate support
With Philip Palaveev overseeing the project, LPL is working to install more management expertise in the crazy-growth OSJs it both supports and competes with
August 22, 2013 at 3:46 AM
How Jeffrey Concepcion manned up after FINRA and Lincoln Financial troubles to become an LPL giant
In only four years, his OSJ RIA has $6.2 billion in advised assets and 130 advisors, thanks to a radical cold-calling plan and lower, yes lower, payouts than other OSJs
May 14, 2013 at 6:31 AM
Veteran recruiter effects a reverse breakaway of his own, moving to a more captive, more compensated life at TD Ameritrade
Independence is swell, but the allure of a steady paycheck can be hard to resist -- especially for a father of college-aged kids, a former partner speculates
March 20, 2013 at 4:10 AM
LPL reaches hard-won agreement to rein in bonuses to big advisors that had proved to be overly generous
OSJs were riding high on incentive systems designed more for solo practices
November 2, 2012 at 4:54 AM
Three MSSB brokers gravitate to a $4.5 billion LPL hybrid with a hefty RIA platform -- and a sub-channel appears to be nearing critical mass
Ohio-based Stratos offers cozy and profitable setup that stands between the biggest IBD and the advisors who ultimately consume its services
June 27, 2012 at 6:10 AM
Amping up recruiting efforts, giant LPL firm grew its revenue by 300% in 2011
Independent Financial Partners has gotten so big that it's taking a bite out of LPL's business -- and LPL doesn't seem to mind
March 2, 2012 at 4:24 PM
David Darnell tells Merrill Lynch advisors he won't mess with their pay
But recruiters say all comp factors don't necessarily show up on the official payout grid
September 8, 2011 at 3:07 PM
Two former LPL execs set up a breakaway boutique that works with Raymond James and Schwab, among others
Flush with IPO cash, Scott Collins and Scott Miller were determined to have open-recruiting architecture and more counseling